
American Mustangs and Bobby Kerr – Night Of The Horse 2018 – Legendary Show


Ancient people used horses in wars. By about 1,600 bce people in southwestern Asia were fighting on horseback. They also fought in chariots, which were wheeled vehicles pulled by horses. About 800 years later Asians brought horses to Europe. The army of ancient Rome included troops on horseback.

During the Middle Ages (500 to 1500 ce) warriors called knights rode heavy horses. When warriors stopped wearing armor, they switched to lighter and faster horses.


At first horses could not pull heavy loads without hurting themselves. Then, in the 1100s, people started using padded horse collars. A horse with a collar could pull a plow. Horses also pulled railroad cars and other vehicles. Horses were a major source of power until the 1900s, when machines took over the work.

Horses in Sports

Horse racing is an ancient sport. As early as 700 bce the Olympic Games of ancient Greece featured horse races. Today horses race on oval tracks or straight courses. Some courses have obstacles that the horse must jump over. In harness racing the horse pulls a two-wheeled vehicle with a driver.

Horses and riders also compete in jumping or riding sports known as equestrian events. The Olympic Games feature equestrian events. Other sports that use horses include polo and rodeo.

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